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Clown Nightmare (2019)


Clown creatures from another dimension take over Kentucky. Jerry uses parts from the Dark Web to build a time machine, and accidentally opens a portal to another dimension, or universe? A dimension filled with clown creatures. Clown creatures that want to kill for their own amusement.


Penny Abney – Penny
Todd Burrows – Todd
Mark Holmberg – Mark
Kayla Perkins – Kayla
Angel Smith – Cheerleader
Jerry Williams – Jerry
Tucky Williams – Tucky

Director: Mark Holmberg
Writer: Mark Holmberg

Movie Trailer:

Movie Rating: 4 out of 5

My Thoughts:

This movie was great and I’m not sure why. The acting wasn’t that great, the special effects were horrible and the plot kind of sucked. But I found myself so entertained, so this film must be brilliant. I’ll be looking forward to other films from this filmmaker.

Movie Stills:

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