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Happy Camp | Found Footage | Movie Review

Happy Camp Synopsis:

In the 1980s Mike (Michael Barbuto) was adopted by Walt and Sandy and was taken to live with them at Happy Camp, a small logging town, with their son Dean. Mike got along instantly with his new brother and was overjoyed that he would finally have a family. This happiness was cut short on October 22, 1989 when Dean is abducted by persons unknown. Mike, the only witness to the crime, can’t remember anything about his brother’s disappearance, the latest in a string of over 600 disappearances over the last 27 years. Twenty years later Mike’s girlfriend Anne (Anne Taylor) has persuaded him to revisit Happy Camp to try to recover his memory of what happened that day. She also persuades him to allow a film crew to videotape the entire process. However rather than have an experience that will help him reconcile with his past, Mike finds that he, Anne, and the film crew are in serious danger.

Happy Camp Movie Trailer:


Josh Anthony as Josh
Michael Barbuto as Michael Tanner
Ben Blenkle as Local
Teddy Gilmore as Teddy
Anne Taylor as Anne

Movie Review:

What time say about this one, well, I highly doubt it will be anything to good. This time instead of a bad movie putting me to sleep, it actually put my wife to sleep. I think she made it through about the first 20 minutes together. Not sure if the movie just bored her that much or if it was the fact we started it late.

Lots of things I really didn’t get about this movie. The main character seemed to have way to much of his adoptive family for only being with them for less the two years when he was either 7 or 9. So I really don’t get that basis of this movie.

And the Bigfoots? Very unrealistic, and I think if I Bigfoot jumped down from the top of a tree the way it did, it would probably break both of it’s legs.

So if you don’t get around to watching this film, no worries your not missing much.

Movie Rating: 1 out of 5

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