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Local Ghost Hunter Talk to Kids


Kids got spooked at the Bangor Library Friday. The Bangor Ghost Hunters talked to a group of children and parents Friday. They explained how they investigate different places for paranormal activity. Kids got to see all the cool ghost hunter gadgets, like electromagnetic field meters and night vision cameras.

Bangor Ghost Hunters Founder and Director Harold Murray also used magic tricks to show the kids that some paranormal activities have a logical explanation.

“I put magic into it so I leave something unexplained for them, but yet I give them another one I explained,” Murray said. “So you have an explanation for one thing and not for another.”

The Bangor Ghost Hunters will be back at the Bangor Library Saturday for a presentation geared toward adults. The group will talk about experiences they’ve had on ghost hunts and bring some of the items they’ve taken from places they’ve investigated.

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