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Strawberry Estates (2001) | The Truth is in Here!

Strawberry Estates (2001)


A small expedition explores a haunted insane asylum.

Cast & Crew:

Lisa Chelenza – Jennifer Brahams
Chrissy Frick – Sarah Richmond
Bob Fullenbaum – Dr. Jonathan P. Laurel
Jason Reed – Jason Knowles
Carlo Russo – Brother
Dan Elliot – Fitzgerald Webb

Director: Ron Bonk Writer: Ron Bonk



Mini Review:

I had originally rated this just a tad bit lower cause of the quality but then I realized it’s an older film and that kind of changed my opinion of it.

For a free movie on Amazon Prime it wasn’t too bad, kind of wish there was more of a paranormal aspect to it besides the last 5 minutes really. Also, wish they would not have used up so much time explaining the history of the place at the beginning of the film. Got kind of boring really quick.

We all know though I am a sucker for any found footage movie no matter how good or how bad it may be. This one though is watchable and entertaining for the most part.

If you’re a fan of the Found Footage genre and have Amazon Prime you should check this film out, plus it’s free. >> Strawberry Estates <<

Movie Rating: 3 out of 5

Strawberry Estates Stills:

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