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Unlisted Owner (2013) | There Goes The Neighborhood

Unlisted Owner (2013)


The ‘Owner House’ has been vacant for several years because of its very dark history but with the recent series of murders, it has been taken to the next level. A family who just moved in has been murdered causing the curiosity of a group of friends to get the best of them. Deciding to break in and investigate with handheld cameras, would be the worst decision of their fun-filled night.

Cast & Crew:

Chris Ash – Chris Martin
Levi Atkins – The Owner
Chloe Benedict – Chloe Roth
Jed Brian – Jed Groves
Haidee Corona – Haidee Summers
Gavin Groves – Gavin Landers
Griffin Groves – Griffin Potts
Tanner Hoke – Tanner Lewis
Tyler Landers – Tyler Brian
Mark Nation-Ellis – Mark Roth
Amber Newlin – Amber Roth
Andrea Potts – Andrea Mills

Director: Jed Brian Writer: Jed Brian



Mini Review:

I’m a sucker for any found footage movie, it doesn’t matter if it’s highly rated or if everyone else says it sucks. Unlisted Owner is definitely one that doesn’t suck. Just like any movie though you find things you dislike about it. My issue though isn’t with the quality of the film or really the storyline. My issue is the way the friends get along. Most group of friends usually have one butthole, this one has two. I personally couldn’t be friends with people that treated me that way, and when the one character kept having his camera taken from him. I just couldn’t do it. Besides that, though it was a really good film, you could tell they probably didn’t have a very high budget, but they made it work.

So if your a fan of the Found Footage genre and have Amazon Prime you really need to check this film out, plus it’s free.

Movie Rating: 4 out of 5

Unlisted Owner Stills:

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