Synopsis: ““On a desolate road a group of friends cut a random truck driver off. The truck driver just happens to be the psychotic leader of a cannibalistic family. The psychopath also tends to wear a bunny suit, luring his victims in with an innocent appearance. The group of friends have just angered the absolute last person you want to cross paths with. A brutal downward spiral of death, torture, and despair is about to begin. One by one the friends come to a gruesome demise. The lucky ones will be run over, chopped out of trees, dismembered by chainsaw, or simply tortured to the soothing sounds of classical music. In the end, two friends remain alive, their humanity long gone. Stranded in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by random strangers each crazier than the last one, a decision is made. They will enter the lion’s den, an abandoned cabin in the woods. They will leave their morality at the door and turn to murder in an attempt to save their own lives and avenge their friends’ deaths. They will see the truth behind the Bunnyman mask and attempt to place every last member of the cannibalistic family in their graves. They will risk everything to save the one last shred of humanity that remains in their souls.”