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An American Werewolf in Paris (1997) | Things are about to get a little hairy.

An American Werewolf in Paris (1997)


An American man unwittingly gets involved with French werewolves who have developed a serum allowing them to transform at will.

Cast & Crew:

Tom Everett Scott – Andy McDermott
Julie Delpy – Serafine Pigot
Vince Vieluf – Brad
Phil Buckman – Chris
Julie Bowen – Amy Finch
Pierre Cosso – Claude
Thierry Lhermitte – Dr. Thierry Pigot
Tom Novembre – Inspector LeDuc
Maria Machado – Chief Bonnet

Director: Anthony Waller Writer: Tim Burns

Movie Rating: 4 out of 5

Mini Review:

I’m not 100% positive if this is a direct sequel to American Werewolf in London or not. I have read a few things that say Serafine’s parents are from the first one but I can’t be sure. Either way, I think this movie stands pretty good on its own two legs and is fine without being a sequel.

This is one of those movies from the 90s that I watched over and over, not all that many good movies came out in the 90s. I had a copy on VHS that I record off of Pay-Per-view so I watched it probably every couple of weeks. Still not as many times as I watched Scream though (800+ times).

This movie just landed on Amazon Prime, so if you never saw it before and you have AP I suggest you check it.

<<American Werewolf in Paris on Amazon Prime>>

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