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Become a paranormal hunter at Seattle Museum of the Mysteries


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Seattle Museum of the Mysteries is a sight to behold. Located on Capitol Hill’s Broadway and filled with every type of unexplained occurrence, Washington State’s only paranormal science museum is a cave of fascinating enigmas to explore. The museum has four Bigfoot casts, information on Washington crop circles, documentation of the 1947 UFO sighting over Mt. Rainier, material on the Maury Island UFO puzzle, remains of the lost city of Wellington including the 1910 railroad disaster, historic photos of Barack Obama’s first house in Seattle, rare and never before seen photos of famous Seattle residents Bruce Lee and Francis Farmer and a set of Rhine cards to put your ESP ability to the test. To top off the sideshow attractions Seattle Museum of the Mysteries is also Seattle’s only oxygen bar with medical quality oxygen reported to help hangovers, headaches and allergies.

Once you’ve wandered the museum, join fellow fans of the unknown for a weekend adventure. Every Saturday night, 10pm to Midnight, test your level of spook by getting locked inside the museum, one of the city’s most haunted buildings, and attend Ghost Poker. There is no money involved, but they do use real antique poker chips. Once locked in you’ll also tour Capitol Hill via the back hallways that run underground with a stop at the Northwest’s most haunted theater, the Harvard Exit.

For a more traditional ghost tour join the museum every Saturday at 5pm for a guided tour of Seattle’s most famous historic haunts, famous ghosts and a lesson on Capitol Hill’s prohibition history. Highlights of the tour include the Harvard Exit Theatre, Deluxe Bar and Grill and Loveless Building as well as Seattle’s famous ghosts: The daughter of Chief Seattle – Princess Angeline, Kurt Cobain, Francis Farmer, Jimi Hendrix, Bruce Lee and Brandon Lee. If ghost hunting is already a sport you participate in then Ghost Hunters Gathering headed by APART may be your calling. Every first Saturday of the month from 7 to 9pm all ghost hunters and explorers are invited to join this social salon for an evening of sharing ideas and techniques. Take a trip to the world of the paranormal; sharpen your senses and let yourself become immersed in Seattle’s mysteries, whatever they may be.

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