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Ghost hunters’ chance to spend night at haunted Five Bells Inn, Whitchurch Canonicorum


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DARING ghost hunters are being invited to spend the night in one of the South West’s most haunted locations.

A professional paranormal investigator will be on hand to help look for signs of things that go bump in the night at the Five Bells Inn in Whitchurch Canonicorum near Bridport.

The charity event, on March 14, will raise funds for the Dorset Wildlife Trust (DWT).

Up to 20 hardy souls will brave the inn, which is rumoured to be haunted by pilgrims’ souls that sought healing from St Wite.

Travellers once stayed at the Five Bells Inn while on pilgrimage to the nearby church of St Candida.

The church has a 13th-century shrine containing the bones of St Wite, with three openings into which pilgrims could place afflicted limbs for healing.

Ghost-hunting equipment including night-vision cameras, temperature gauges, electro-magnetic field metres and dowsing rods will be used on the night.

Sponsored participants will pay £30 to take part, to include the use of investigative equipment, a disc of photos of their ordeal and a cooked breakfast.

Kizzy Brown, marketing and fundraising manager for DWT, said: “This is a brilliant chance for people to test their nerves. Join us for this one-off chance to try something so unusual.”

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