Malvolia’s Memorable Thanksgiving (2017)
Cast & Crew:
Created by and Starring Jennifer Nangle as Malvolia
Also Starring (in order of appearance)
Garrett Lee as Victor
Colton Wheeler as Jack
Episode Directed by Alex Napiwocki & Hunter Johnson
Written & Edited by Jennifer Nangle
Shot by Richard Trejo
Sound by Richard Trejo
SFX by Chronix EFX
Produced by Jennifer Nangle, Hunter Johnson, Alex Napiwocki, Richard Trejo, & Rod “Shorte” Vizcaina
In Association with Queen Scream Productions,, Safety Meeting Productions, & Chronix EFX
Mini Review:
Never done any type of review on anything regarding YouTube before but if anyone is deserving it’s Malvolia: the Queen of Screams.
Who said once Halloween has come and gone you can’t enjoy all things spooky? Watch Malvolia’s Thanksgiving Special as she takes us down memory lane of her favorite Thanksgiving. The only negative thing I have to say about this special is it’s too short. Other than that it’s a very entertaining 11 minutes. So if you have the time to spare make sure to check it out and like and subscribe.
YouTube Rating: 5 out of 5
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