
Paranormal investigators have become fairly well-known through popular television programs such as “Ghost Hunters” and “Paranormal State.”
Locally, the City Lights Paranormal Society has investigated Stemies Place in Easton and, recently, the Newburg Inn in Lower Nazareth Township in attempts to confirm or refute the alleged haunted history of both buildings.
Joe Iannetta, a car salesman by day and “ghosbuster” at night, had his team taking video and readings last week at the 250-year old restaurant in the Nazareth area.
Stories of ghosts at the Newburg Inn are well-known around Nazareth. Customers, workers and tenants have claimed to see apparitions including those of a former owner named Newt and an Indian reportedly hanged in the rafters of the attic.
Iannetta has to review more than 60 hours of video taken on the premise before revealing his findings.