Charlie and his girlfriend Buzi are ghosts’ enthusiasts fascinated by the legend of the oldest and scariest road in America – Mt. Misery Road located in Long Island NY. This road and the surrounding woods are believed to be haunted and cursed for hundreds of years. From the old Asylum that burnt down by a crazy deranged patient named Mary that still roams the woods today, to the spirits and voices of crazy Asylum patients crying and moaning through their suffering still heard echoing in the woods, to the Hell hound with his red glowing devilish eyes and the Moth man sighted flying in the trees.
Cast and Crew:
Chuck Morrongiello – Charlie
Karolina Morrongiello – Buzi / Mothman / Mary
Curtis Wyka – Curt
Lloyd Goldstein – Mike Gallagher
Joey Laspina – Loner in the Woods
Directors: Chuck Morrongiello, Karolina Morrongiello
Writers: Chuck Morrongiello
Movie Trailer:
Movie Rating: 1 out of 5

Yeah, I really don’t know what to say about this movie. I had high hopes from the title and the trailer didn’t look half bad either. To bad it didn’t turn out that way. I really do feel like I wasted my time watching it. Wasn’t scary or even slightly creepy at all and was more or less completely pointless. My take away from this was an older man go himself a younger woman and promised to make her a movie star so he made this movie and put her in it. That’s the thought I had the entire time watching it. I will give them credit for actually making a movie and they did a lot better than I ever could but I just didn’t see the point. Not really sure why they decided to use the word Amityville in the title either. Also in the beginning I feel like the movie maker was also trying to show off his car and his house. Really wasn’t a need for the amount of time they showed his car and also the amount of time spent on showing the title image was crazy.
All in all if you want to give it a chance go for it but I would suggest finding something else to watch.