Black Eyed Children: Let Me In (2015)
Black Eyed Children: Let Me In Synopsis:
An aspiring film-maker embarks on a journey investigating the nightmarish and haunting stories behind the Black Eyed Children phenomenon. Through first-hand accounts, professional paranormal experts, and for the first time ever, actual found-footage the so-called-myths and legends are brought to life. During the making, a discovery is made that changes the life of the film-maker and will change those of the viewers’. Witness this growing legend in Black Eyed Children: Let Me In.
Movie Trailer:
Candice ‘CJ’ Johnson – Professor Madden
Marcus Murphy – Dale
Megan Hughes – Abby
Justin Snyder – The Film-maker
Coraline Weinroth – Interviewee #2
Styves Exantus – Religious student
Vanessa Provencher – Elizabeth Shaw
Rachael Koenig – Aries The Psychic
Stanley Turner – Terrence ‘TY’ Larence
Amanda Godfrey – lab technician Amanda
Michael Rincon – Interviewee
Director: Justin Snyder Writer: Justin Snyder & Serene Tohmy
Mini Movie Review:
Not even really sure where to start with this movie, not a whole lot of good things to say about it if any. I think what bothers me the most with this movie is the fact that the main character was wearing a dirty shirt during the first two interviews he did. I mean come on your doing a movie, put on a clean shirt. Not one that has a big stain going down the front. I know it doesn’t really have an effect on the movie, it just bugged me. Also surprised seeing him driving a Geo Storm, I haven’t seen one of those since about 1998.
The movie is almost entirely made up of the main character Justin interviewing people, and the people weren’t all that interesting so it got pretty boring, quick.
The best part of the movie has got to be when we get to see the footage of the mysterious tape he got in the mail, that’s really the only time we get to see the BEC, except for whatever he chased into the sewer tunnel. So for a movie about the Black Eyed Children, it sure was lacking the Black Eyed Children.