The Scariest Movie Ever Made Finally Finds an Audience

Source: Hoo boy, this is exciting. The movie that many a hard-hearted critic has called the most terrifying movie ever made is coming to…

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They say the ghosts are waiting at Brooksville’s May-Stringer museum

Source: Spirits don’t take vacations. At least that’s what Bonnie LeTourneau thinks. Although the May-Stringer Heritage Museum has been closed for the past month…

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Haunted Ohio: The Moonville Tunnel

Source: For some locals who are into ghosthunting, the Moonville Tunnel in Vinton County is too tempting to pass up. The ghosthunters who make…

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Ghost Whisperer Season 5 – First Pictures

Source: Check out the first pictures of GHOST WHISPERER Season 5 which premieres Friday, Sept. 25 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network….

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Ghost enthusiasts may experience courtroom terror

Source: State police are warning paranormal enthusiasts to stay away from the former Torrance State Hospital, a century-old building that has housed thousands of…

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A ghostly Grange hall?

Source: The creaks of an old building could be the settling of the floorboards, or, as some believe, the nighttime jaunts of a ghost….

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Paranormal investigators try to help Newburg Inn owner unlock mystery of a haunted past

Source: Paranormal investigators have become fairly well-known through popular television programs such as “Ghost Hunters” and “Paranormal State.” Locally, the City Lights Paranormal Society…

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A&E series seeks ghosts at northwestern Pa. hotel

Source: A crew from A&E Television is looking for ghosts at a landmark hotel in northwestern Pennsylvania. The crew from the cable channel’s “Paranormal…

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